Tropical Updates

Latest News

  • 9/28/2024 Hurricane Helene: Thank you to everyone for their thoughts and prayers this past week. They were answered. Teresa was able to survey all of our homes as soon as our officials allowed us to access them. Most all of our homes faired very well during Hurricane Helene and the road on the cape faired very well all things considered. While there are some damages throughout our town, we are very lucky overall. It could have been so much worse had this storm gone west instead of east.

    We have emailed all of our immediately incoming guests and are happy to be able to welcome everyone that had standing reservations per usual this weekend with just a few missing boardwalks. Our neighbors to the east are not near as lucky, though. They have had a three-peat having had three landfalling hurricanes, plus winter and spring storm damage in just under a year. Many of them no longer have a place to call home. Our hearts are so heavy for everyone suffering through the aftermath. Please consider finding legitimate charities to donate to or volunteer for to help all those who are devastated right now.

    Teresa and I have so much to be thankful for. We are thankful for all of our loyal and kind guests checking on us. We are thankful for our business being able to continue as usual. Most of all we are thankful for the emergency personnel, utility workers, National Guard, and everyone else who is storming into the disaster areas to help get those impacted back on their feet. It’s okay not to be okay right now and one day the skies will be sunny again.

    Everyone please stay safe out there. We hope to be able to welcome you to your happy place soon!

  • We are currently watching an area of interested. We will update in the event that this develops into an area of interest for Gulf County.

Helpful Links

Below is a collection of websites we use to follow the weather. We hope you find them helpful!

  • ***Gulf County Sheriff’s Department App*** – I recommend downloading this app and turning on weather & emergency notifications. It will alert you of any watches, warnings, or evacuations. You may even know before I have a chance to call you!
    Apple Store App
    Google Play Store App

Evacuation Status

  • 9/28/2024 There are currently no evacuation orders for Gulf County. Please check with official sources for the most up-to-date information.

Watches & Warnings

What is a Watch vs a Warning? A watch means the conditions are favorable where as a warning meanings conditions are imminent.

  • 9/28/2025 Gulf County does not currently have any tropical watches or warnings. Please check official sources for up-to-date information.
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